An Open Letter to the Senate of the United States of America

I am a Republican and have been since Lyndon Johnson became president.  My family had always been Democrats before that.  It has been obvious that Democrats have been pandering for votes no matter the cost in money or morals.  Our democracy cannot survive much longer with the massive spending on ever increasing social programs.  We are now over $20 trillion in debt and my great grandchildren, and yours, will be saddled with that debt probably as long as the country exists.  Living in Illinois means not having any representation in the nation’s Senate, and not much in the House.  Liberal bastions in populated areas keep Democrats in power and they apparently couldn’t care less about the country as a whole.  To prove me wrong would require them to actually show they care for the country and not just the liberal voters in Illinois.  It would mean actually supporting the Constitution and honoring the laws of the country.  It would mean actually stopping the welfare increase and showing people how they can fend for themselves and make something of themselves and not just sit back and let the rest of us pay for their existence, many whom live a better economic life than I do.  It would mean they would allow the poor intercity kids, of whatever color, to choose a school that would actually allow them to have a normal life.  It would mean supporting the life of the unborn because to most of the country, abortion is barbaric!  It would mean supporting immigration laws which they seem to think is no worse than telling a poorly dressed person they look nice.  Laws are laws!  If you don’t like the law, you are there to change them or obey them.  You have sworn to do that.  Democrats had all the power in congress for upwards of 40 years!  The only laws they wanted to pass was something to hurt working people and blame everything that went wrong on the rich and Republicans.  A willing press has been complicit in that.

Speaking of the rich, Democrats don’t seem to realize the rich hire the poor; not the other way around.  A favorite saying of Democrats is the rich got rich taking from the poor.  How on God’s green earth can that happen?  How much do the poor have to give to the rich?!  And yet, the uninformed and idiotic supporters of Democrats believe that!  Democrats, by giving the poor more and more handouts, are increasing the numbers of poor as they become more dependent on the government for a living.  In some cases, they get more from the government than they could get by working!  How does that make sense?  Some of their constituents’ answer to that is making minimum wage $15 an hour and I know they know that costs jobs!  How do they expect employers to pay that without both increasing prices, which hurts the poor the most, and cutting jobs?  This hurts businesses as well as the economy as a whole.  That is not difficult for any thinking person to understand.  It isn’t partisan!  It’s pure logic!  By championing the poor, they have created contempt for them that should not exist.  By making it easy for them to enjoy the fruits of someone else’s labor, you create an institution, which will grow until the country cannot exist.  It will go the way of all democracies, and sooner than later.

My request for all Senators, including Republican, is that you honor the laws of the country, no matter how much you disagree with them.  Either honor them, change them, or get out of the Senate!  You swore an oath to defend the Constitution!  If you can’t do that then you need to resign from the Senate.   If you can’t support the laws of the land and those that that will help America, you are not true to your vows or your countrymen.  You need to help cut the costs of government.  That means cutting some of the programs that are detrimental to the country.  You need to support cutting programs that overlap other programs that do the same thing.  Americans know what a huge waste this is.  You need to stop supporting things that the country has no business supporting, such as Planned Parenthood.  If you would pass a health care system that makes sense, women would be covered by that and not need a program that mainly cuts up unborn babies.  Democrats claim women need a program like Planned Parenthood.  Why?  Why can’t they go to a doctor for the help you say they need?  What kind of logic do you use to say we need a comprehensive national health care plan but we also need government (taxpayer) supported ‘for profit’ abortion system.  That defies logic as well.

Now to DACA.  Again, I ask you to use logic and defend the Constitution.  I have no qualms with the kids who were brought here by their illegal parents because they have broken no laws.  Their parents did.  If these kids are gainfully employed or in the military, and have broken no laws, give them a way to gain citizenship.  However, their parents have broken the law and deserve nothing!  They should not be here.  They must return to their country of origin.  You say that breaks up a family.  No, they chose that possibility when they invaded our country.  THEY caused the breakup of their family.  Not us.  They need to go back and get in line with those that are trying to come here legally.  I hate it when someone breaks in line at the store!  I hate it more when these people break in line to get to America!  The kids they brought here under DACA, have a choice; stay here and be productive citizens or go back to their parents’ country with them.  If people robbed a bank and had a child in a get-away car, the child would not be prosecuted but that would not stop the parents from going to jail!  The breakup of the families is their own fault; not the people that want the laws followed!  To all of you in the Senate, Democrat or Republican; help the country or get out of the Senate!


An Open Letter to the Senate of the United States of America

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